Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Slacker Gene

I'm fucking exhausted. I am not used to this getting up at 5:30am shit, and I suspect I never will be. I'm not saying I could sleep til noon. I couldn't. I say I will, and I probably should once in awhile, but on the weekends I get up at around 8:30 and when I am up, I AM UP. I've never been one to lounge around in bed.

And getting to bed at night is virtually impossible as well. Since I'm student teaching all day, I get home and it's almost like I have to fill this quota of hours filled with nothing. So I get home and laze about, and fuck around on the internet and watch crappy reality tv until it's 10pm.

And yes, I'm tired and should be in bed. But it's like I have this weird Slacker gene that requires a certain amount of "nothing time" every day otherwise I feel like I'm going crazy. I need a lot of down time to function. A LOT. I actually worry about it, that this weird mutant behavior is costing me friendships and good times and productive output. Just so I can sit around like a zombie and, yes, sometimes blog.

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